
Originally known as Kakaako Stables (an old horse barn) back in the 1920's, 30's, and 40's, today it's home to the Home of the Brave Museum.  Rebuilt and meticulously decorated with the largest private WWII, Hawaiiana & beer collection in the Pacific, the displays and stories beckon guests back to era that would change the course of history. 

Labeled as Honolulu's Best Kept Secret by Honolulu's Mayor, the museum & brewseum are home to treasures and collectables donated by thousands of our Greatest Generation Veterans and their families.  Guests are encouraged to jump in the famous 1945 Ford Jeep and Army issue Harley used in the epic Disney/Touchtone production of Pearl Harbor for which Home of the Brave were technical advisers.

The original brewseum was renovated into what is now our brewery.  Here our flagship Pilot Pale Ale and 442 Go for Broke are brewed along with delicious seasonals served to our guests in the Wiki Waki Woo Tropical Bar & Lounge upstairs and next door in the expanded Brewseum.


Next door is the world's first Brewseum where Remember, Honor, Salute takes on a whole new meaning.  Instead of us telling you about it, here's what Honolulu Magazine recently said:

The Brewseum: Beer Meets a World War II Museum in Kakaako

By Kawehi Haug

When we hear that a bar doubles as a museum, we think: room temperature Natty Light in some old guy’s basement. We think dusty piles of … stuff. A hoarder’s hang out. And honestly, that’s what we expected when we rolled up to the Brewseum on Waimanu Street in Kakaako—an old warehouse space that’s been converted to a drinking hole that we had heard was either a tiki bar or a brauhaus-style bar. It is neither. Not even close. But it’s not a dumping ground for rickety knick-knacks either. Just the opposite.

The Brewseum door opens to what could be Honolulu’s most delightful (weird word, but it’s the right one) hole in the wall. It’s every bit a museum, with every part of it outfitted in some kind of World War II era memorabilia, but it’s just the most charming museum ever. Overhead, model bomber planes circle the room on an old-fashioned brass and wood pulley system, while a model freight train chugs around the perimeter of the space. The walls are all but papered with old war-time photographs, and where there are no photos, 1940’s style telephones hang at the ready, real archival radio transmissions pumping through the receivers. The back of the bar is framed by what was once the entry to a Quonset hut barracks and under the tin arch sits a tiny stage, complete with a Shure Classic old-timey microphone. The vintage digs get the 21st century treatment with an actual Army jeep parked near the bar that doubles as a photo booth—selfies are strongly encouraged. Everywhere you look, there is some new piece of history to discover.

The Brewseum, which is owned by the Tomlinson family who also founded the Home of the Brave Tour company that is headquartered next door, is a little bit Smithsonian (history/war geeks unite!) and a little bit Disneyland (whimsical and cute in spades), and it’s way cooler than you would ever think it could be. Everything in the space is very purposefully placed, and though we wouldn’t mind if it was, there’s nothing kitschy about it. The Tomlinson family, whose war memorabilia collection is the largest in the Pacific, has been operating its tour company for 23 years, and is hoping that the bar adds a component to the family business that will draw in long-term fans who will make the Brewseum their go-to hang out.


The bar has six domestic microbrews on tap, a few bottled beers and their own proprietary brew, Home of the Brave beer, brewed for the Brewseum by Sprecher Brewing Company in Wisconsin. The beers are on the pricey side—$5 for a Coors Light, $7 for a Sierra Nevada hefeweizen—but we didn’t really notice because everything else about the place was so captivating. Just think of the beer prices as including the museum entrance fee. The menu consists of soft pretzels ($4) with a trio of mustard dipping sauces, and complimentary popcorn, hard pretzels and cheese balls.  The snacks gets passed around at regular intervals by the Tomlinson kids who run the place, and do it with so much hospitality and warmth, it’s like you’re visiting them at home.

The Brewseum, 901 Waimanu St.,, 799-2796



The following is what you can expect to find throughout the week at the Brewseum®

& the Wiki Waki Woo Speakeasy and Lounge.